Who am I?

Voice Therapist - Speech Pathologist - Geneva

Recognised by Swiss and international insurances companies since 1998

French – English – Spanish

portait de Pascale Amberger

Pascale Amberger

Graduated from the Medical Faculty of Paris VI
Voice, articulation, breathing and swallowing disorders
Currently in Private Practice in Geneva


  • Master in Orthophonie. (Medical Faculty Pitié-Salpétrière-Paris)
  • Specialisation in voice therapy. (Lariboisière Hospital)
  • Specialisation in articulation disorders, and breathing and swallowing problems. (Saint-Vincent-de-Paul Hospital and St-Antoine Hospital)

Clinical experience:

  • Orthophoniste, HUG (Geneva Hospital) ENT department (1993-1997).
  • Voice, articulation, breathing and swallowing therapy.
  • Private Practice in Voice and Speech Therapy, Geneva (since 1998).

Teaching (1995-2004):

  • Seminars in Speech Therapy, for students. (UNIGE, Geneva University)
  • Courses in Voice Therapy, for students. (UNIN, Neuchâtel University)
  • Nursing education. (HESGE – Le Bon Secours)


Your Problem:

If you have any of the following voice disorders, I can be of assistance to you in alleviating, or overcoming them:
  • Voice disorder
  • Functional dysphonia
  • Vocal harshness, vocal roughness, vocal hoarseness, vocal weakness, vocal instability
  • Rough voice, tired voice, coarse voice, husky voice
  • Loss of voice, lake of volume at the end of the day
  • Vocal abuse, constricted glottis
  • Vocal misuse
  • Moulting disorder, pitch perturbations
  • Modulating the voice
  • Psychogenic aphonia
  • Stuttering
  • Difficulty speaking in front of strangers
  • Lesions of the vocal cords: nodules, polyp, contact ulcers, paralysis…
  • Problem with articulation (children and adults)
  • Foreign accent
  • Hyper-nasality
  • Breathing issues
  • Breathiness
  • Insufficient respiratory function
  • Laryngeal hyper function, laryngeal dyskinesia
  • Sensation of having a blockage in your throat
  • Laryngeal spasms, spasmodic dysphonia
  • Coughing, scraping, throat clearing
  • Swallowing problems (primary swallowing or dysphagia)

Who can benefit from voice therapy?

  • Singers, actors, choristers
  • Lawyers, lecturers, entrepreneurs
  • Teachers, interpreters
  • Housewives
  • Child or adult with an articulation, vocal, or breathing problem
  • Athletic
  • Senior citizens
  • People with a foreign accent

Why have voice therapy ?

In order to:
  • Recover your voice
  • Avoid vocal fatigue
  • Learn to use your voice in a better way
  • Avoid vocal abuse
  • Avoid vocal tensions and aphonia
  • Improve vocal awareness
  • Understand your vocal limits
  • Improve the oral expression, fluidity and rate of speak
  • Improve the sound and quality of your voice
  • Gain eloquence and confidence
  • Increase the tonicity of the vocal folds
  • Improve your singing and speaking voice
  • Prepare for singing with soft vocal exercises
  • Learn to control your respiration
  • Know how to react in case of dypsnoe
  • Correct an articulation disorder
  • Avoid choking and improve swallowing
If you have a lesion:
  • Lessen the problems associated with vocal lesions
  • Avoid surgery
  • Prepare for vocal surgery if one is necessary
  • Aid in the recuperation of your voice after surgery


Advice for the voice:

Begin therapy as soon as the first symptoms appear. Voice therapy helps you to solve your voice problem with personalized advices, appropriate exercises and by the establishment of a new vocal behavior.

Vocal problems can be classified into 4 groups, and can appear when different factors are triggered:

  • Aggression: gastroenterological reflux, allergies, dry air, pollution, air conditioning, tobacco…
  • Tiredness: vocal abuse, speaking too loudly, excessive talking, lake of sleep…
  • Infection: viral infection, sore throat, laryngitis, cooling…
  • Psychogenic: shock, stress, emotional tension, vexation…
Activities to avoid:
  • Coughing, throat clearing, humming, talking, singing, whispering, laughing, lifting or pushing heavy objects, forceful effort during bowel movements
Activities to limit:
  • Drinking liquids that can cause dehydration: alcohol, white wines, coffee
  • Food that thickens secretions: dairy, cheese
  • Eating food that may cause gastroenterological reflux: tomatoes, spices, alcohol
To do:
  • In case of loss of voice (aphonia), start with a 24 hour vocal rest
  • Rest the voice by not only speaking less, but also by speaking less loudly
  • Breathe thru your nose
  • Avoid lengthy conversations
  • Drink a lot of water to rehydrate the vocal cords
  • Do not start dieting
  • Use throat lozenges that contain glycerin
  • Drink herbal teas or warm milk with honey
  • Drink a glass of warm water with lemon
  • Use a humidifier in your home or office
  • Wear a scarf when you go out, especially on airplanes

Advice for articulation

For a child with an articulation disorder, consult a therapist at the beginning of his or her schooling to determine if he or she will need a therapy. Some articulation disorders disappear naturally as the child grows and therapy may not be necessary. It is not advisable to start an articulation therapy too early in order not to disturb the development of language skills, but all disorder should be addressed before learning to read in order to avoid confusion in spelling and writing.

For adults, an articulation therapy can be proposed in case of foreign accent (sessions not reimbursed by insurance companies), after brain injury (OPAS Art.10a), in the case of a phoniatric affection (OPAS Art. 10b) or hearing loss.

Advice for swallowing

An abnormal swallowing habit is a frequent disorder in children who have sucked their thumb or a pacifier. Primary swallowing is often associated with an articulation disorder (ch-s, j-z) due to a tongue that pushes forward on the teeth. Furthermore, it is important to start a therapy before any orthodontic treatment in order to put the tongue in the correct position

For dysphagia, you can refer to the following publications:
Deglutition disorders : from videofluoroscopy to rehabilitation
Deglutition disorders: choice of diet and compensatory posture


The voice, a reflection of your personality

RTS 1 (Radio Television Swiss) – Extract of the CQFD science and health radio program that was aired on 14 Apr 2016:

It is often said that a person’s voice mirrors her/his personality.

The World Voice Day was held on Sat 16 Apr 2016. On that occasion, Silvio Dolzan focused on what our voice says about our personality. With Pascale Amberger, voice and speech therapist, member of the Voice Day Committee for the Swiss Association of Speech Therapist.

Video of the vocal cords

This video presents the movement of regular vocal folds. During the inspiration, the vocal cords are open to let the air going through. During the phonation, the vocal folds are vibrating. During the production of a low sound, the vocal folds are short with a large vibration amplitude. During the emission of sharp sounds, the vocal folds are tensed and the vibration is less ample.

  • 0:00 - 0:09 : normal sound
  • 0:10 - 0:14 : inspiration
  • 0:15 - 0:22 : low sound
  • 0:22 - 0:23 : swallowing
  • 0:24 - 0:27 : inspiration
  • 0:28 - 0:36 : sharp sound

The voice is damaged by the after-effects of the coronavirus

RTS 1 (Radio Television Swiss) - Extract from the programme « 12h30 News » on 27 March 2021, presented by Yves Zahno.

Many people turn to voice therapists to regain their vocal abilities. Interview with Pascale Amberger, voice therapist in Geneva, by Foued Boukari.

More frequent pathologies

Picture of Laryngitis
Picture of Nodules
Picture of Polyp
Picture of Cyst
Picture of Paralysis
Picture of Carcinoma


I am recognised by swiss and international insurance companies. My sessions are reimbursed by the basic insurance if the disorder corresponds to Art. 10 OPAS.
The patient must be in possession of the official form (downloadable below), with the physian’s signature and stamp.

In Geneva State, the official number of sessions per prescription is 12.
The duration and the spacing of the sessions depend on the pathology.

Do you have any questions?

Please do not hesitate to contact me!

Individual therapies by appointment :

  • Adults, teenagers, children of more than 4 years of age
  • Pascale Amberger
    Cabinet d'Orthophonie
    24 Rue Merle d'Aubigné
    CH - 1207 Geneva
  •   +41 22 736 21 38